For the first time, a remarkable story of one man’s miraculous rescue from Nazi Germany’s first concentration camp is being told. Many stories of struggle and triumph from the Holocaust remain shrouded in secrecy, the details too traumatizing for...
Tarik Johnson, a 22-year veteran on the Capitol Hill force, considers himself to be an expert in his field. January 6th, as the on-site commander in charge of securing the certification of the 2020 presidential election. Despite pleas for help …
Lt Gov Winsome Earle-Sears was the first Black woman elected to statewide office in Virginia. In her newly released memoir How Sweet It Is, Defending The American Dream, she shares how her Christian faith, unwavering patriotism, and fervent commitment...
There is a growing number of young Americans who believe that socialism is a good social and economic system. A 2019 Gallup Poll, 68% of baby boomers had a positive view of capitalism while 32% had a positive view of …
Since Biden became President, all America has become a border state. Meanwhile, states like Illinois and New York are crying foul. But what about the immediate neighbor states to our Southern border who are being invaded? Maria Espinoza, The...
In The Year That Broke Politics: Collusion and Chaos in the Presidential Election of 1968, Luke Nichter, historian and author draws on previously unexamined archives and numerous interviews and upends conventional understanding of the crucial...
Even as President Joe Biden touts the success of “Bidenomics,” more Americans expect the economy to get worse over the next year than think it will improve. Meanwhile, the president has the temerity to take a swipe at Trump’s economy. …
The FBI tried to convince the former leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, to lie about Donald Trump in order to advance their witch hunt on the former president using the January 6th prosecutions. Suzzanne Monk, the Washington DC …
On September 17th, we celebrated Constitution Day, or should have. As at its foundation it is our national birth certificate as American citizens. So why is there this conflict? What happened to our country? Are we lost? Daniel Natal the …
Many times in my broadcast career I have been told that radio is dead, only to see it rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes. In this episode I am joined by my dear radio friend of some 30 …
As we begin a new year for education, Dr Wilfred Reilly the professor of political science at Kentucky State University and the author of Taboo: 10 Facts You Can't Talk About, reviews the current state of education. From parents taking …
Jeff Allen, the comedian who famously coined the phrase “happy wife, happy life,” is sharing his transformational journey of overcoming alcoholism and despair to finding joy in his life and relationship with God in his new book, Are We There …
The ideological left is transforming America into something our founders never intended. Our national motto, E pluribus unum, no longer means “out of many, one,” but is becoming Ex uno, multi, “out of one, many.” Today it means identity consciousness...
9-11 will always been one of those days etched in our memories. The sights, sounds, smells and heartbreak lingers 22 years later. There’ll be memorials marking the day along with never again sentiments. How should America be responding over two...
Everyday we wake up to a host of choices. Some we may be conscious of and some that we may not be fully aware. Every aspect of our lives is defined by the choices we make. But in the midst …
After seven explosive NY Times Bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his newest blockbuster, THE JOSIAH MANIFESTO, The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End-Times. This mind-blowing book opens up the stunning mysteries that lie behind the dramatic...
Gregory Stenstrom, the author of Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception discusses how the effective models and a few number of operatives manufactured the results of the 2020 election that a majority of America questions to this day. It wasn't...
Bruce Thatcher, the founder of History Speaks Today, is talking about his latest book, Too Big? Leaders of big organizations are generally shielded from effective accountability for their actions or for the actions of employees and agents. In Too Big,...
“Early one morning in April 2016, I woke up and seriously considered the possibility that I might never be able to get out of bed.” Such was the place Congressman Adam Smith found himself after a years long struggle with …
The acclaimed prophecy expert Bill Salus presented his new book and DVD on the Future War Prophecies. For those who are students and observers of the times, you can’t help but consider that the chaos in the world and wars …
In Dr Paul Kengor’s new book, The Worst of Indignities he correctly cites that Americans have been told for decades that slavery is our nation’s original sin. But is that true? History documents that slavery has involved peoples and cultures …
The conventional wisdom of Watergate is turned on its head by Postgate, revealing that the Post did not uncover Watergate as much as it covered it up. The Nixon Administration, itself involved in a coverup, was the victim of a …
John Rabe, DJKM Director of Creative Production, and Dr. Jerry Newcombe, DJKM Senior Producer talk about their latest documentary, The Gender Delusion. It’s a new D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) documentary that’s been released this month. It takes...
"The Adversity of Diversity," by Dr Carol Swain and her co-author offer a thought-provoking examination of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and their impact on American society. The book suggests real unity training as a solution to...